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Umm...I've been away from this blog for almost seven months and I come back only to find out some of y'all still getting locked up every month. I can tell he is use to being on locked down, look at 'em--he so happy to be back in jail.
You look like you tired as hell of being locked up--so what ya' doing back?

You, my friend, is just plain hopeless. You've got to hold the record for most lock-ups.


You're not too far behind the guy above for holding the record for most lock-ups!

You a big and healthy looking man, I'mma need for you to not cry like a baby. Man up!

This tat does not do his neck any justice.

Umm...why u wanna make ya face look discolored???

I'm gonna need for people to stop getting face tats, okay.

You know you a diva when you can pose like this for a mugshot, lol.

Was he attacked by an animal or someone w/long fingernails?
Somebody introduced his eye to their fist.

Why does that blood look dried up and flaky, yucks!

So, I guess vaseline works for everything--huh.

Is this a really bad lacefront/weave job or is she wearing a scarf/stocking cap~~CONFUSED~~

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